Digital Books as Apps = Physics Heaven

If you're in the game of writing, authoring and releasing a book within the next year, don't go all 1.0 and turn to iBooks, Amazon or the onslaught of various publishers for some ebook / hardcover / paperback setup.  Check out Push Pop Press! Launching their teaser  site yesterday, Push Pop Press is starting their campaign to transform your book into an experience!  Started by the talented designer, Mike Matas of Apple iOS fame as well as the Delicious Library, and engineers Kimon Tsinteris and Austin Sarner, Push Pop Press is poised the game and is definitely off to a running head start.

Books that let you explore photos, videos, music, maps, and interactive graphics, all through a new physics-based multi-touch user interface.

As you can see from the teaser site and /or image below, the possibilities are amazing with pinch to zoom and in app video rendering.  For a more in depth look and commentary, check out John Gruber and his early testing! // Daring Fireball: Push Pop Press //

Now is the Time for a New Carrier to Host the Apple iPhone

Six months from now, a new carrier wouldn't be able to capitalize and I'll tell you why.  It's simple. 1) Millions of adopters of the original iPhone 3G  flocked to AT&T almost exactly 23 months ago forced to leave their previous carrier and sign a two year contract.  Those contracts are almost up.

2) These AT&T subscribers who did not take the early adopter special and upgrade to the iPhone 3GS last summer, myself included, are now up for a real upgrade but are hoping for a choice.  That's a good reason why I didn't do it and thus have been suffering the sluggishness of the iPhone 3G.  It is truly unbearable especially compared to using my Apple iPad!

3) The new iPhone 4th Generation is going to be announced in less than 30 minutes and if there isn't a "One more thing..." that is another carrier, e.g. Verizon, many of us early adopters will be forced to sign our lives away for yet another two years.

Hence, now is the time, or I guess a couple months back, that the other three major carriers should have been trying to court Apple.  All the initial movement and flow of subscribers that left for AT&T two years ago would have a chance to not incur an Early Termination Fee (ETF) and come back to their cheaper or more egotistic, "I'm better than AT&T" provider.  We can only hope for the best and just follow the awesome live feeds of gdgt, engadget or Gizmodo or whomever you choose. 9to5mac has a great live panel of all 4 awesome streams!  Check it out here.

True to form, John Gruber from Daring Fireball posted a remark slyly hinting at a possible new Apple TV and the new name for the iPhone 4th Generation, "iPhone HD" just moments prior to Steve Jobs taking the stage.  Awesomeness!  Google TV, watch out now!  Hopefully, adellelijah will have their chance at WWDC 2011!

It’s a few short hours before the keynote, and what strikes me about this year’s WWDC isn’t any specific rumor or impending announcement. Not the iPhone HD. Not the never-before-seen features in OS 4. Not the new Apple TV. Not the update to Safari with an extension API and “Reader” mode.

iPhone 4th gen